Even MORE Things to Love About Living in Las Vegas
A while back, we wrote an article about some of the “Things to Love About Living in Las Vegas,” (including the amazing weather, we really are all normal people here, and there’s never a reason to be bored in this town!). But with all the excitement going on here lately, it seemed like as good […]
Helping Out In The Community
Life wasn’t meant to be all about work. At least, that’s what the team at New Home Resource agrees on. If you’re going to work hard, you want to play just as hard – and they do. But they also have one other very closely held belief: To give back to the community that’s been […]
Las Vegas is a Top City for Commuters
By Jennifer Riner, Trulia Suffering through a long morning and evening commute is intrusive and can consume hours of your life every year. Unfortunately, work-related travel rose to 27.2 minutes in 2014 from 26.4 minutes in 2009 in the largest U.S. metro areas. Many Americans have taken the necessary steps to shorten their commute times, […]
Moving to Las Vegas? Here’s Some Info That Will Come in Handy.
Few things are more exciting than the adventure of moving to a new city. The possibilities are endless: There are new opportunities, discoveries to make, new friends, activities, exploring – it’s a big deal and a huge lifestyle change for most people. One of the things that we’ve learned in our years of playing a […]
6 New Home Builder Trends for 2016
The times, they are a changin’. Boy, Bob Dylan had that right. And it’s a mantra that continues today, especially with the evolution of manufacturing technology and our changing lifestyles. But there’s one thing that is never going to go out of style: We want our homes to be a reflection of “us.” That brings […]
Are we all tired of hearing yet that “It’s a New Year! Time to Keep Resolutions! Set Goals! Make Changes!” Yeah, we are, too. So in the interests of ‘moving-right-along,’ we’d like to touch on a subject that seems to make all the “What to do in 2016” lists a lot, but in reality requires […]
It’s “Get Organized Month.” Where Do You Start?
Getting organized. Are there any other words that cause more angst or heart palpitations when they’re spoken? (All you “Monica Geller-Bing” types can probably skip this article. You’d probably write it better, anyway.) Maybe that’s why they decided to dedicate an entire month to the task. Fun Fact: The first “Get Organized Month” was in […]
The end of 2015 is here. Ack! If you’re anything like us, you’re wondering just where in the world it went – and how did it do it so fast? Even so, these last few days before we turn the calendar on a new year always cause us to look back over the past 12 […]
Everyone enjoys the holidays, and each of us does it in our own way. But with all the hustle and bustle going on during the season, it’s also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. We can never be too careful, too prepared, or too aware. So […]
Preparing Your Parents For Assisted Living
If there’s one thing that Baby Boomers are used to, it’s going through life’s changes as a group. One of those changes includes addressing the issue of aging parents who reached the point where daily assistance with living is often necessary. Fortunately, others have been there before you and have shared solutions, and there are […]