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We’ve written before about many of the financial reasons that owning a home makes good sense (especially right now – with interest rates so low and rents so high). And you’ve probably seen many other headlines and articles explaining the monetary benefits that you gain when you buy a home, too.

But let’s set the money aside for a bit, and talk about the psychological aspect of being a homeowner. Because while saving money each month and building long-term equity in a property is certainly important for your future, there are few of us that get that “warm and fuzzy” feeling from our financial statements.

Ahhh…..but memories, that’s another story, isn’t it? Everyone has those – whether they’re happy or sad, they’re the things we cherish, or that spur us to achieve. In essence, they’ve made us what we are today – it’s just human nature. Those memories are formed by the people in our lives, things that have happened to us, and how we shaped our environment. And those three things are precisely what we’re referring to.


There is a great sense of belonging to a community once you own a home. You feel more attached to the city and its people, and often even get involved with neighborhood and community events. When you’re a homeowner, you’ve put down roots – and you’ve done it in the midst of many other people with the same mindset. Your neighbors become your friends, sometimes even your family (or at least they seem that close). You form relationships that can last for years – even a lifetime. And as true as that is for adults, it’s even more important for children.

In a home of their own, kids have the security of knowing that “home” means just that. It belongs to them, and they don’t have to worry about suddenly having to change schools and reestablish their friends and lives at the whim of a landlord. They’re able to develop long-term friendships – indeed, they wouldn’t even need to think about them any differently. They get to know your neighbors, who will often watch out for their welfare, too. Studies also indicate better school performance and youth behaviors in children who live in a home of their own – in addition to greater self-esteem.

Research has long proven that people who have healthy relationships with others are happier and less stressed. Owning a home is one of the best ways to give yourself and your family the gift of building those friendships.


One of the most overlooked reasons for owning a home is the freedom you get once you’ve achieved this major life goal. Many homebuyers discover that once they buy a home, other aspects of their personal life seem to just fall into place. It’s a huge accomplishment, and because of that, it gives people more confidence in themselves and allows them to pursue other goals in life.

On top of that, there are some incredible perks that come with the term “homeowner.” Just think about it: Your space is yours to do what you please. Indulge your passions with renovations (no reason you can’t have the greatest kitchen in the neighborhood!), paint, plant, and decorate to your heart’s desire. You can choose to make your home the gathering place for your friends and family by installing a pool and landscaping a back yard to die for – or put up holiday decorations that rival the White House display.

No more white walls and beige carpet (not to mention really ugly vinyl!). And no one but yourself to grant permission to enhance your environment (except maybe an HOA). This is your space. Make it beautiful, make it useful, make it playful – it’s all up to you.


Owning a home is like a touchstone, it’s a way of anchoring your life to firm ground. It creates a solid base from which you can go forth in the world to accomplish many things, whether that includes raising a family or starting a business – or following a dream.

Other proven benefits of the positive impact of ownership is that it allows access to neighborhoods with better schools, and to better physical and social conditions. Single-family homes also tend to be maintained at a higher quality, have lower crime rates, and homeowners enjoy a heightened sense of personal accomplishment and social status. All of these elements together combine to lead to greater life satisfaction, resulting in better physical and psychological health.

Given these reasons alone, it’s no wonder that owning a home has always been “The American Dream.” When you combine them with the financial security home ownership offers, too – there’s no reason that dream needs to change, if you ask us.

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with all of their Las Vegas real estate needs. Whether your preference is for a newly-built home from a local builder, or a resale property in just the right location, a New Home Resource Realtor® is here to find the perfect property for you. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!


It’s the rare individual who gets to leave their parents’ home and head straight into buying a place of their own. Most of the time, we’re in a hurry to declare our independence – and we see the biggest part of that as having a space to call our own (even if it is rented).

In a way, that’s a good thing. Because it gives us the opportunity to fully experience one end of the spectrum (renting). But on the other hand, it means that we don’t necessarily know much about the pros and cons of owning our own home. So we’d like to help lay out some of the more important reasons why you might – and might not – want to jump into homeownership with both feet.

Rent vs. Buy

Why to Buy? Here in Las Vegas, it’s been shown that renting can actually cost twice as much as owning. Got that? Twice as much. Ouch. So whether your budget is stretched by your current costs of renting or you want to get more square foot for your dollar, those who qualify for a mortgage loan (and there are more of you than you might think!) – should give some serious thought to making that investment in themselves and starting to build equity in a property, rather than contributing to their landlord’s coffers.

Why to Rent? If you’re not sure about where you’re going to be for the next five years (as a general rule of thumb) – then renting may be your smarter option. Those who may relocate for work or other purposes may not fare as well financially when you consider the costs involved with home and mortgage loan acquisitions, moving expenses, repairs that may be needed, etc. Having the freedom to move quickly for an important job opportunity can also play a deciding factor in the trajectory of your career. So if that’s a possibility – and you can’t afford to maintain two households for a short period of time while your current home sells – that’s another mark in the “reason to rent” column.

Financial Benefits

Why to Buy? In addition to paying less out of pocket per month for your monthly payment on a mortgage, you also have the assurance of knowing that your monthly mortgage payment stays the same – unlike rent payments that can climb regularly. (Unless you’ve opted for an Adjustable Rate Mortgage). There are also the benefits of tax write-offs. Your mortgage loan expense is deductible, and certain repairs or upgrades may carry tax benefits for saving energy resources.

Why to Rent? More flexibility, less responsibility. If you’re a renter and experience a life-changing circumstance – you’re able to adapt more quickly and relocate to fit your financial situation (as opposed to waiting to sell your home). When something goes wrong with the plumbing or the air conditioning, there’s no landlord to call and that (usually unexpected) expense is your burden. And if you’re focused on another financial goal entirely – starting your own business? planning to travel? or one of a million other reasons – then sinking money into a property may be pretty far down on your list of things to do.

The Psychological Aspect

Why to Buy? There is something reassuring about knowing you will always have a place to call “home.” The psychological impact of knowing when you lay your head down at night you’re in a place that belongs to you simply cannot be overstated. There’s no uncertainty of wondering if your landlord is going to sell, renew your lease, or raise the rent. For many – having the ability to paint, decorate, remodel, and make additions or improvements the way you want them is key. For some, it could be as simple as having your own garage or driveway to park your car. And if you’re a pet-lover – well, you know that owning has it all over renting in that department!

Why to Rent? Many people feel that those same reasons to buy are more of a commitment than they want to make. So if that worries you financially (or any other way), there’s definitely something to be said for renting and letting others carry the burden for you (aka, your landlord). If you’re still exploring career options or don’t know where you want to settle down yet, those are more reasons to delay buying a home of your own. “Freedom” is a powerful word, and everyone has their own definition of what it means.

Of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are generally as many reasons to buy – or not buy – as there are individuals exploring their options. The good thing is that for those who choose the security of a place to call a home of their own, the local real estate market is stable, interest rates are still low, and obtaining a mortgage has become easier and far more understandable than ever before.

Premier Mortgage Lending is one local Las Vegas mortgage broker that offers a variety of products – from true “No Fee” traditional loans, to second-chance financing ( that can help buyers get back into their own home as early as one day after a short sale or foreclosure. Plus, they make it easy to get started and see if you qualify with their secure online application process.

Still not sure where your chips fall on the “Buy or Own?” question? We’ll be happy to help you explore your options further. Just give us a call!

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with all of their Las Vegas real estate needs. Whether your preference is for a newly-built home from a local builder, or a resale property in just the right location, a New Home Resource Realtor® is here to find the perfect property for you. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!

image003For those who have lived in Las Vegas for longer than, oh, say 15 minutes, you’ve probably heard the question before from your friends and family: “So, which hotel do you live in?” Sigh.

Hard to believe, but we still hear it today (even though you have to admit our housing industry did happen to make a lot of headlines over the past few years . . . let’s put 2+2 together, folks!). Then again, for many of us, living in Las Vegas is a little bit like a best-kept secret . So it’s not altogether bad that we still hold a few of those secrets close and choose to share them only with those we’d like to actually become our neighbors here in Southern Nevada.

So, at the risk of word getting out, we’d like to list a few of our favorite things about living in Las Vegas. Such as:

How’s the Weather?

We don’t even have to look out the window to see what the weather’s like. Because we can just make the assumption pretty much every day of the year it’s going to be sunny with blue skies. Perhaps what we like the best about this part is that here in Las Vegas, you don’t have to plan your day around the weather. Wherever you wanted to go, whatever you were planning to do today – go for it! Because 99 times out of 100, it’s going to be gorgeous outside.

We Really Do Live Like Normal People.

We have great schools, and excellent sports programs for virtually every age group. We enjoy world-class shopping (okay, that one might be a Vegas exclusive). Our city is filled with top industrial and business organizations where diverse employment opportunities are available. (In fact, we’ve got it a lot better here than many other cities, when you think about it.) We’re a community that gives back to our people – through multiple volunteer organizations. There’s probably not a church that isn’t represented in Las Vegas (or if there is, we’d be surprised). Some of the finest dining opportunities in the world are right in our back yard (for those special occasions). And speaking for those of us with pets – we really appreciate fact that the environment means the lack of fleas and ticks! (as well as many other insects that can really ‘bug’ you in other cities.).

There’s Never A Reason To Be Bored

If you’re in Las Vegas – either as a visitor or a resident – that weather we mentioned above? It means that you can find things to do and activities to enjoy in virtually every genre of relaxation, culture, or adventure. Naturally, the first thing one thinks of is wealth of entertainment options ranging from small clubs to major hotel stages, and on to stadium-size venues. Music, magic, comedy, drama, Broadway productions – we have it all right here. (You know, the place most other people dream about traveling to for such things!) And that doesn’t even touch on the art exhibitions and traveling cultural events; the world-class meal experiences; the thrill rides; the local outdoor recreation (such as Lake Mead, Red Rock, and Mt. Charleston); major events (NASCAR and NFR, anyone?) and engineering landmarks like Hoover Dam (along with, some might say, a few of our more creative hotels). Add in some world-class championship golf courses, and you’ve got the makings for – well – a real live city. Right here in Nevada.

Of course, those are only the very tip of the iceberg as to what makes living in Las Vegas desirable to so many. There are books written about all that the Las Vegas lifestyle has to offer that are sure to include your favorite activities. But even so, there’s always something new on the horizon – creativity is never in short supply in this town. But whatever your reasons are for living in Las Vegas, one thing is for sure: You’re never going to have an excuse to be bored!

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with all of their Las Vegas real estate needs. Whether your preference is for a newly-built home from a local builder, or a resale property in just the right location, a New Home Resource Realtor® is here to find the perfect property for you. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!


There’s no place like home. Someone said that once, we think – and it’s so true. It doesn’t matter if the place you call home is a mansion in Malibu or an igloo in the Arctic, it’s your castle, your headquarters – and we believe you should be able to enjoy every minute you’re there.

Of course, every space has its challenges, right? If you’ve got that whole Malibu-mansion thing going on, they’ll probably border on issues like “Do I want a bowling alley or a swimming pool in this room?” But those aren’t the questions that most of us are faced with. (The ones who live in the ‘real world,’ that is.)

For those of us still on our way to that level of success, for the time being we have to make do with spaces that might not be as big as we like. But fear not! There are ways to make them feel larger and work more efficiently at the same time. All it takes is a little ‘thinking outside the box’ attitude – and we’re here to help you with that. Making the most of your space and keep it organized is a bit of an art. But once you figure out a system that works for you, it becomes more like a well-oiled machine. So here are a few tips and tricks that should help you get those creative juices flowing.


One thing that designers everywhere will agree on is that if you don’t have the space you want, try a little creative use of color and placement, and it will give the illusion that you do. One suggestion: Match your furniture to the walls – it visually opens up the room. Another tip is to float your furniture in the center of the room. By moving pieces away from the walls, you create space beyond the furniture that adds volume to a room.

image007Use All Available Space

In other words – look up! Add a bookshelf above a door and you not only have more storage area, you’ve just added a bit of character to that room. Place a shelf high enough above your bed, and you not only won’t have to worry about bumping your head on it – you’ve just created a space that can be either useful or decorative in nature. That weird empty spot above the kitchen cabinets? A great place for cookbooks; or put those seldom-used tools into baskets that complement the feel of the room.

image009Hidden Spots and Double-Duty

Oh, we all have them – it’s just that we don’t always realize that we can use those normally ‘dead’ spaces in our home. Where, you ask? How about the inside of cabinet doors? Hang small hooks (did someone say “Command”?) to make measuring cups easily accessible, or it’s a great place for pot lids, too. Another simple solution – choose furniture that can be easily repurposed depending on your needs. Using an attractive farm table as a desk, for example, makes it easy to transform it into a dining table for guests. Nesting tables are also a great solution – easily out of the way when they’re not in use.

In most cases, it’s just a matter of looking at the area you have to work with – in a new way. (And may we suggest, start your search for imaginative solutions on Pinterest. It will help you find answers to questions you haven’t even thought of yet!)

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with all of their Las Vegas real estate needs. Whether your preference is for a newly-built home from a local builder, or a resale property in just the right location, a New Home Resource Realtor® is here to find the perfect property for you. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!


Have you ever seen photos of outdoor living spaces that seemed to be calling your name? The ones that make you sigh and think “What would I give for THAT?!” Well, you’re not alone. But the good thing is there are plenty of ways to get your back yard there, whether you’re looking to meet a budget or if money is no object. That’s one of the advantages of our digital age – you can see it all and choose what you like to create your own personal oasis.

Outdoor entertaining and lounging isn’t exactly a new idea, but the design, technology and mechanics of it all have given us opportunities our parents never had. Rather than a cooler and a few lawn chairs, now we’re seeing entire kitchens, waterproof electronics, flat-screen TVs, and cozy fireplaces utilized in these inviting retreats.

With the shelter of a roof overhead and less weather extremes than many other parts of the country, dressing up your back yard and patio in Las Vegas is an affordable way to expand your living space without the expense of adding a room onto your home. Being attached to the home gives it a more fluid, continuous feel, creating the perfect environment for relaxation or entertaining – from a gathering to watch a football game, to hosting a sophisticated cocktail party.

But where do you begin? One source is the internet, where Pinterest and Google will provide inspiration; and visiting model homes for ideas and to see the space live and in person are excellent options, as well. These visuals will help you in selecting your own design and colors, and determine which elements are a must for your environment. Then, consider the following suggestions to help you create space that reflects your personal sense of style.

1. Deciding how to use your outdoor space

Your first decision is to determine if this is a space for quiet, intimate conversation – or a gathering spot for family-friendly BBQs? Do you see Game Days being spent out with your feet up and a cold one in your hand (enter: electronics) – or would a table-based fire and gourmet appliances give you the opportunity to entertain at the next level? The fact is, your options have no limit (your budget might, but not your options!). Once you know what you plan to use your outdoor living space for, you’ll know how to lay out your features -and where to shop first.

2. Consider the mood with lighting options

Lighting is going to set your tone, so you want to give some serious thought to this. Today, options for outdoor lighting are virtually limitless – from chandeliers to torchiers, they range in style from traditional and formal to sleek and modern. You can string globe lights around the perimeter for a festive air, or opt for artificial flameless candles. Adding a fireplace or a fire pit can not only add atmosphere but also be a source of sensual lighting and add drama to your environment.

3. Have a seat.

Look for furniture that invites you to virtually sink into it. The more welcoming and comfortable, the better. Lounges, wide chairs, and love seats that have thick cushions (in fabrics that are weather and fade-resistant) will make your guests want to kick off their shoes, relax, and stay awhile. Swings – whether on stands or ceiling mounted – are most definitely fun and attractive seating in any outdoor space (and you might even want to entertain the idea of a hammock.) Whatever you choose, ensure that you have plenty of seating available, as well as places for guests to place drinks and plates of food.

4. Remember that details are key.

One of the best ways things to define an actual living room from other outdoor areas is something most people don’t even think about: a rug. Why? Because it creates a physical anchor point and sets the tone for the entire aesthetic of the room with warmth and intimacy. Its color and design also has the power to accent the rest of the décor. Drapes and shades are another often overlooked element – not only can they cut the harsh glare of the sun, they can add softness and color, providing a sense of privacy – and when pulled aside, they give access to breathtaking views to remind us of what we love about being outdoors. Planters and lovely green plants continue the theme of blending indoor and outdoor spaces, too.

The bottom line is: Be daring! An outdoor living room can be your creative sandbox – a place to express your true self. Less expensive to build and furnish, it’s easy to see why they are so popular. If a little thought is put into it, the rewards can be gratifying. (You might even find yourself spending more time outdoors than in!) And time spent outdoors surrounded by nature is proven to refresh and invigorate us , both physically and emotionally. What better payoff can you possibly imagine?

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with all of their Las Vegas real estate needs. Whether your preference is for a newly-built home from a local builder, or a resale property in just the right location, a New Home Resource Realtor® is here to find the perfect property for you. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!


A place to call home – it’s different these days. Between changing family dynamics, lifestyles, technology, and multi-generations living under one roof, new building trends have evolved – in our opinion, for the better. Take a look at some of the features and uses that builders are increasingly incorporating into home designs, and tell us what you think about them.

Universal Design

One element on the rise is comfort and accessibility for people of all ages. Single-story residential communities are more and more popular, with features such as wide doors and hallways, flexible floorplans, creative storage and sleeker design for items such as grab bars, shower seating, and cabinet and closet pull-downs. Forward planning like this makes it possible for homeowners to not only accommodate multiple generations living longer under one roof, but allows them to age in their own home without sacrificing either independence or style.

Multi-Functional Rooms

Every inch counts these days, and it’s a popular philosophy in new homes. It’s possible to design stylishly yet practically, and builders are proving that more every day. Intimate pocket spaces such as nooks and alcoves, transition spaces that work with built-ins, versatile home offices, and even main-level laundry rooms that include with storage for art or craft hobbies. They’re changing the face of what we used to know about home use.

Outdoor Living

Bring that outdoors – in! We’re seeing it more every day with inspired indoor courtyards, extended verandas, patios, and decks that are replacing the traditional backyard. Outdoor kitchens, living rooms, fireplaces and gardens to relax, entertain, and dine in style are in demand, and builders are accommodating with style.

Smarter Storage

The square footage of homes might be shrinking a bit on average, but that only means that smarter storage is in even higher demand. Spaces that were previously overlooked and underutilized are being tapped for extra stowaway space, including stairways, window seats, and even walls.

Smart and Energy-Efficient

The next generation of millennial homebuyers is looking for technology that fits in with their lifestyle. And they also choose to be kinder to the planet – which puts energy-efficiency at the heart of the home, too. These two elements continue to evolve and intertwine, so builders are eager to include them both into homes that are easy to program and will also save resources.

We’re keeping our eyes open for what’s new in home design nationwide. We invite you to share with us the trends that inspire you.

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with their Las Vegas real estate needs. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!


We know how it goes. You move into your new home – and there’s a million and one things that need to be done. If you’re like most people, you’ll start with what’s right before your eyes: the inside of your home. Furniture, window coverings, paint colors and interior decor. It’s a lot to do, we know. And just when you’ve got everything the way you want it and can stop to sit back and admire it . . . you see it. Right there – outside the window. And that’s when so many homes hear that plaintive cry: “Honey, what are we going to do about the landscaping?!”

Creature comforts being what they are, you may have gone a little bit overboard with your home’s interior (at least, that’s what your budget may be telling you). But that’s okay – because adding new – or redesigning your existing – home landscaping is one of those things you can plan to do in phases. And even better, there’s plenty of budget-friendly ways to tackle making the outside of your home look as inviting as the inside. Here’s just a few tips we’ve gathered together to get your imagination stirred.

1. Plan & Prioritize Your Outdoor Space.

Before you head out there to spread a bunch of grass seed (or in the case of Las Vegas, artificial sod) – spend some time thinking about how you really plan to use your yard. Do you have pets – and will you want them in a separate area? Is there a patio cover or gazebo in your future that you want to use for entertaining? Sometimes, making the right use of your space is simply a matter of repositioning your existing outdoor furniture or accessories. Or adding a small tool shed to collect and keep all the outdoor toys out of site (but still easily accessible). However, if you are going to want to add some larger elements (such as concrete, fencing, or large living elements in certain areas) – prioritize them. That way – you’ll be able to make progress in smaller steps, as your time and finances allow.

2. Consider Alternative Resources.

For many people, “landscaping” means to either hire an expensive planner or gardener, or head down to the nearest home improvement store or nursery to load up the pallets with items at retail prices. That’s great for you – because you think outside the box! Instead of making a bee-line for those places, head to your local rock quarry to see what options are available to you for only a few dollars a ton that will take care of your hard surface groundcover needs. Or better yet, keep your eyes peeled for demolition sites – because broken concrete can also be an inexpensive alternative that serves the same purpose. Here in Las Vegas, well – it’s a rocky place. And that means lots of opportunity to seek sources for large, native rocks. (There’s no shortage of development in town any longer . . . so find those places who are trying to remove those big rocks from their construction sites and play Let’s Make A Deal!) If you want to add definition to the design, pick up some affordable bender boards and stakes from a garden supply store to create pathways and/or contained areas of rock.

3. Go Native.

There are few things worse than falling in love with the look of a tree or plant first, planting it, and trying to nurse it through an environment that it’s not prepared to survive in. Even if you know nothing about what growth zone you live in or what the local native plants are – you can learn a lot just by ‘window shopping’ at local nurseries. (Read the tags – you’d be amazed how informative they are!). One more way to find out what’s going to thrive in your area? Visit The Arbor Day Foundation online. ( Not only is there a wealth of information to be had – but when you sign up for membership, you’ll also receive 10 free trees that are meant to grow in your Zone. (We’ll admit, they’re not big trees – but hey, free is free – and these are the people who know trees better than anyone!)

4. Start Your “Green” With The Trees.

Because it’s around the trees that the rest of your landscaping will take shape. And if they’re your first investment, you can opt to buy and plant smaller trees that will just keep growing and adding interest to your landscaping – all while you’re taking your time getting all the other elements in place. It’s better to spend money on a small, quality tree – because in a few short years (in Las Vegas, make that a very few short years, thanks to our long growing season) you probably won’t be able to tell the difference in size (and you won’t have to kick yourself because your neighbor spent half the money on a tree that’s now the same size as yours!).

5. Groundcover Plants. (also known as: It Doesn’t All Have To Be Rock And Lawn Mowers.)

Groundcovers. Ahhhh…..those lovely little inexpensive groupings you see in vast expanses on commercial grounds or residential common areas. They can be planted sparsely in your yard, and grow quickly into beautiful rows or sections of color. (They’re also really great at helping you deal with dead spots in your yard.) Many require little to no maintenance (yaaay!) – and the available varieties give you an amazing number of options, colors, heights and textures from which to choose.

6. Remember This Word: Perennials.

Those sweet flats of colorful annuals you see when you head to the store (pretty much any store during the season) are sure bright and enticing, aren’t they? But “annuals” mean just that. You’ll have to replace them every year – and that is definitely not kind to your budget. Perennials, on the other hand, will amaze you with their longevity – and are great reminders of the cycle of life itself. As they go through their growth, blooming and dormant seasons, not only will they continue to get larger and more beautiful each year – it’s like having an unexpected surprise greet you at the door (and you didn’t have to do much to make it happen).

7. Know Someone Who Loves To Garden?

If you have a friend with a passion for gardening, it’s like having the holy grail on speed-dial. Because they love to share both their ‘green children’ and their knowledge – which will help you not only learn what living elements you want in your yard and where to plant them, but these friends will often divide some of their most beautiful successes for you to replant in your own yard. (It’s okay – you can start mentally tabulating all the money you’re NOT spending at the nursery now!)

8. Pinterest.

Need we say more?

Most important to remember is that you’re creating an outdoor haven for you and your family. Maybe it’s time to re-think what we’ve always done before in a back yard. Switch things up, plan it for your enjoyment – both visual and physical. Only a few minutes a day of looking at something natural and green has been proven to make a huge difference in our mental well-being. At the end of the day, you want your landscaping to be refreshing to your eyes. So we recommend you read, listen, learn – and then follow your heart.

New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with their Las Vegas real estate needs. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!

Having a lush, grassy yard is nice but when you live in a desert region like Las Vegas, it is impractical. Not only will you spend a fortune on your water bill, the upkeep poses a tough challenge that requires hours of time. Desert landscaping is a beautiful alternative to grass yards that are easy to maintain. Here are some desert landscaping tips that will make your yard rival any other.

Play around with scale:

There are lots of desert, plants, trees and shrub to choose from, ranging in all sizes and shapes. Juxtaposing smaller shrubs and plants with larger trees creates depth as well as movement making your yard more interesting.

Add color:

It is a misconception that the desert lacks color. Find slightly larger rocks or stones to line pathways  to add a distinction between your base rock. Many desert plants like Strawberry Pitaya Blooms and Damianita add a bright pop of accent color making your yard more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Bonus tip:

Create swirling pathways that you can walk through to enjoy your yard to the fullest.

There are many resources on desert landscaping ideas. Browse different ideas to see what plants and style you prefer.

To find a new home to create your own unique desert landscaping, please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!

The stress from work, having kids, paying bills, meeting your everyday needs and the needs of those you love can all add up, and while Las Vegas may seem like the ideal place to unwind, relax, many residents simply do not know where or how to alleviate the everyday pressures in life. New Home Resource can be your source for your dream home and much more.

Destress with a soothing bath with Eucalyptus steam, a dry sauna to finish and a lounge chair or comfy couch to finish it off. But, if you care to embrace the amenities that Las Vegas has to offer, reserve a spa day for you and a friend for a relaxing massage and facial.
Qua Bath Spas at Caesars Palace makes a great getaway for couples. Even men can indulge in the ultimate sports massage to soothe tired and sore muscles and gain greater flexibility.

Laugh a bit with a comedy show. Humor is necessary for good health and it has been shown to improve your immune system, actively relieve stress responses and release tension. A great comedy show will not only be entertaining but allow you to escape from your own busy life for while.

Spend a few hours walking the hiking trails of beautiful Red Rock Canyon. The fresh air will be reviving, and as you explore the sandstone cliffs, you will have a newfound appreciation for the unspoiled lands and how they add a raw and authentic beauty to the city of Las Vegas.

For a simple solution. Dance.

If you are looking for a relaxing new home or an enjoyable experience when buying a new home, please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!

As the housing market in Southern Nevada continues to improve, so does the financial situation for many individuals who were hit hard by the recession of the late 2000s. Many of those who were affected the most were living in their first homes when the market initially took a slide. Often through no fault of their own, these homeowners found themselves in a tough situation where money was tight and credit scores went down. The market was also difficult for Millennials and families who wanted to get their first home but couldn’t afford it.

Thankfully, this situation is drastically changing for many Las Vegans. A national real estate research firm recently named Las Vegas the No. 1 market in the country for “boomerang buyers.” These are buyers who are now back in the market for a new home after having been out of the market for several years. Since it’s been about seven years since the worst of the recession, these buyers have had enough time to get out of debt. This is great news for Southern Nevada and the housing market. In an interview with the Las Vegas Review Journal, one real estate expert proclaimed “…the market is better served if boomerang buyers do become homeowners again in larger numbers.” Rick Piette of Premier Mortgage Lending ( understands the needs of those looking to take a second chance at buying a home in Southern Nevada. That’s why Premier Mortgage Lending helps borrows negotiate loans with no added fees.

If you’re a potential boomerang buyer, you’re in good company. Your segment makes up nearly a quarter of the market share. For home buyers, this means it’s time to strike now while the iron is hot. At New Home Resource, we aim to meet this growing market with exceptional real estate service.

If you are looking for a new home or are wanting to sell your current home, please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!