How to have a successful Open House
Posted by New Home Resource on March 13, 2014 in
There are many things that are obvious when you decide to host an open house: Make sure things are cleaned extremely well, clear out clutter and fix damages or to the house. Here are a couple other things to think about when you are ready to sell your home and host an open house:
Take advantage of Technology – Most people start their housing search online so it is crucial to have your home front and center!
Put a sign in the yard that says “open house”! It may seem “out of date” but people driving by are more intrigued to stop in or come back during the open house because you have made it easy and obvious to them.
Invite your neighbors. Even if they seem to be snooping, they’ll have good things to say about the location; schools, shopping, neighborhood, etc.
Create a neutral environment: You want buyers to feel at home but not like they are invading someone else’s home. Pictures and decorations are great but avoid drawings on the refrigerator or overflowing closets. Storage is important so they will be looking in the closets!
Since it is still your home it is ok to have some rules such as, bathrooms are just for showing, remove accessible medication, and just make sure valuables are out of sight. Everyone will be chaperoned but you should always be prepared.
The outside of your home should be just as well put together as the inside. Make sure the garage is cleaned out, the grass is trimmed, weeds are pulled and toys/objects are out of sight.
Your agent will take care of the actual open house. For the most successful events, the homeowner and pets should be absent!
An open house can be a lot of work but it can also be exciting and is very important for making a sale. Entrust in your agent to steer you in the right direction and you will have a smooth experience!