The recent experience of a Realtor during an Open House event in Gilbert, Arizona is a fresh reminder to those in our industry that personal safety should always be at the top of our checklists. Because a real estate agent works so closely with the public, it is sometimes easy to forget how critical it is to follow common safety precautions. Let’s face it, we’re in this business because we love working with and helping people find their ‘forever’ home. But it’s always going to be most important to be aware of warning signs and remain diligent – because that’s the best protection we can provide ourselves – and it’s a duty we owe to our clients, as well.
While the agent’s experience, which occurred during an Open House event in Gilbert, Arizona last month, was a serious matter, thankfully she was ultimately successful in rebuffing her attacker and escaping serious, life-threatening injury. Perhaps more importantly, the suspect was recently arrested and is in custody (big sigh of relief for Realtors and homebuyers everywhere), and may also be the suspect in other similar events.
Just as important as our own safety is that of our clients. It is a critical part of our duty to do our best to ensure their well-being in our dealings and travels, too. There are many stories that have been written outlining fellow Realtors’ personal experiences on this topic – which include tips and recommendations about best safety practices we should all be using. At the top of the list are letting your colleagues know where you are at all times, gathering identification, and knowing the neighborhood and the home you will be showing.
Other safety measures should be followed as well – and this might be a good time for us to review those tips to make sure we’re doing all we should be to protect ourselves, our families, our colleagues, and our clients. (Take a few moments to review these stories on the topic: and Zillow articles, and this video announcement by the National Association of Realtors regarding a new NAR Safety Course to be presented next month in Washington, D.C.)
The Las Vegas market is heating up (and we’re not just talking about the weather!). So let’s make this coming summer selling season one of the best – and the safest – on record!
New Home Resource helps current and future homeowners with their Las Vegas real estate needs. Please contact a New Home Resource Realtor® today at 702-365-1000 or at Broker Joanna Piette, and agents Denise Moreno Thrasher, Jessica O’Brien, Evelyn ‘Beng’ Kern, Lance Partin and Kathy Paterniti are all here to help!