How to Choose the Right Mortgage Lender and Loan
When it’s time to sit down and figure out how you’re going to finance the home you really want to buy, it’s also a good time to remember a very important real estate rule of thumb: Just because a mortgage lender has a household name doesn’t mean they’re going to be the best choice for […]
Our Offer Got Accepted! What Happens Next?
It’s like winning the lottery, right? You’ve searched and searched, and finally found the house you love. You put in an offer, you hope it’s good enough, you prayed that the seller liked you best . . . and just like that, all your worries disappear! The seller accepted your offer and you’re thrilled! Woo-hoo! […]
How to Decide Between a New Home or a Resale Home
The minute you start thinking it might be time to move into a new home – or at least “new” to you – how to choose between a home that’s “new” or “used”? How do you actually go about making that decision? In our opinion as experienced Realtors®, there are definitely pros and cons to […]
Three Things a First-Time Home Buyer Needs to Know
Wow. You’re about to be a first-time home buyer. That is a really, really big deal – and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s a commitment – that’s for sure – of both your time and your money. But there’s something inherently different and satisfying about spending time working on your own home, and […]
How Much of Your Home Purchase Hinges on Your Credit Score?
Unless you’re one of the lucky ones who hit that lottery jackpot or your MegaBucks dreams have come true, the odds are when the time comes that you want to buy a home, you’re going to need to get a mortgage loan to do it. (By the way, when it gets to that point, the […]
What to Look for in a Home Tour with Your Realtor™
How exciting! You’ve decided to start your search for a home of your own! You’ve looked around at neighborhoods and schools; you know pretty much which part of town you want to live in. You’ve interviewed with different Realtors™ to make sure you’ve found someone who is experienced, familiar with that area, and has a […]
Buying in a Hot Real Estate Market? Be Creative With Your Offer!
When it’s a seller’s market, competition among buyers is just a(n unfortunate) given. It’s great for the owner, of course – but frustrating when one home after another escapes your grasp because another buyer’s offer is accepted over yours. Maybe that’s why just sometimes, a little out-of-the-box thinking can come in handy. Sure, money talks […]
The (First) Five House Hunting Pitfalls You Can Avoid
Made the decision to go find yourself another home, did ya? Wow. Now THAT’S exciting! Congratulations! As we all know by now, buying a home is a pretty emotional experience. You’re excited, you’re amped up, you’re viewing listing photos via online sites several times a day, and you’re rarin’ to get out there and find […]
Are we all tired of hearing yet that “It’s a New Year! Time to Keep Resolutions! Set Goals! Make Changes!” Yeah, we are, too. So in the interests of ‘moving-right-along,’ we’d like to touch on a subject that seems to make all the “What to do in 2016” lists a lot, but in reality requires […]
Buy or Rent? And How Should You Decide?
It’s the rare individual who gets to leave their parents’ home and head straight into buying a place of their own. Most of the time, we’re in a hurry to declare our independence – and we see the biggest part of that as having a space to call our own (even if it is rented). […]